Confederazione Generale Italiana dei Trasporti e della Logistica

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Roma, 25 novembre 2015


Circolare n. 187/2015


Oggetto: Lavoro – Distacco e cabotaggio in Austria – Applicazione del salario minimo garantito - Nota illustrativa IRU.


Seguendo l’esempio della Germania anche l’Austria, per contrastare la concorrenza soprattutto dei vettori dei Paesi dell’Est, ha esteso la normativa sul salario minimo garantito (in vigore dal 2011) ai trasporti effettuati in regime di cabotaggio oltre che al distacco. Le disposizioni sul salario minimo non si applicano invece ai trasporti internazionali da e per l’Austria in attesa degli sviluppi della procedura d’infrazione aperta su tale tema dalla Commissione europea nei confronti della Germania.


Le imprese straniere che effettuano cabotaggio in Austria devono pertanto dimostrare di erogare ai propri autisti una retribuzione non inferiore a quella minima fissata dalla normativa austriaca. Al riguardo si fa notare come, a differenza della Germania, in Austria non esista un salario minimo uguale per tutti i lavoratori essendo previsto un salario minimo differenziato a seconda delle professioni. Per quanto riguarda in particolare gli autisti, come riportato nelle tabelle diffuse dall’IRU, il salario minimo varia a seconda del tipo di veicolo utilizzato, dell’anzianità di servizio del conducente e del tipo di merce trasportata (gli importi vanno da un minimo di 8,27 €/h ad un massimo di 10,22 €/h).


Ai fini del rispetto della normativa sul salario minimo le imprese devono registrare gli autisti che effettuano il trasporto su un’apposita scheda (il cui link è riportato nella nota dell’IRU in oggetto) da trasmettere in via telematica al Ministero delle Finanze austriaco almeno 7 giorni prima dell’inizio del viaggio. Inoltre a bordo del veicolo devono essere conservati i seguenti documenti in lingua tedesca:

 ·  copia della suddetta scheda;

 ·  modello A1 (ossia il certificato sulla sicurezza sociale di cui ai Regolamenti europei nn. 883/2004 e 987/2009);

 ·  copia del contratto di lavoro e documentazione attestante il rispetto del salario minimo austriaco.


La violazione delle predette disposizioni fa scattare a carico dell’impresa una sanzione che va da un minimo di 500 ad un massimo di 5.000 euro per ciascun lavoratore (in caso di recidiva gli importi sono raddoppiati).


Fabio Marrocco

Per riferimenti confronta conf.le n. 155/2015

Responsabile di Area

Allegati due



© CONFETRA – La riproduzione totale o parziale è consentita esclusivamente alle organizzazioni aderenti alla Confetra.






1. When did the requirement of application of the Austrian minimum wages to road cabotage enter into force?

The original law establishing administrative penalties for noncompliance with minimum remuneration and establishing formal requirements in order to prove (non)compliance was the Anti-Wage and Social Dumping Act (Lohn- und Sozialdumping-Bekämpfungsgesetz) which entered into force on 1st of May 2011.

2. Which is the original legal text, its number and name in German stipulating the application of the Austrian minimum wages to road cabotage?

The original Anti-Wage and Social Dumping Act (Lohn- und Sozialdumping-Bekämpfungsgesetz) consisted of an amendment of the Employment Contract Law Adaptation Act (Arbeitsvertragsrechts-Anpassungsgesetz, AVRAG) published in the Federal Gazette I No. 24/2011.

By now, the original Act itself was amended three times. Amendments were published in the Federal Gazettes I No. 98/2012, I No. 94/2014 and I No. 113/2015.


3. Are there any requirements concerning the language of the documents that should be on board of the vehicle during cabotage operations in Austria, including of the notification and of the A1 form?

· Notification of posting has to be done electronically by using a form which, at the time being, is provided in German language only:

A copy of this posting notice has to be kept on hand.

· Remark IRU: The notification of posting is available in different language versions here.

· A1 certificate, issued by the competent social insurance institution in the posting country, may be kept available in its original version.

· Pay documents that show the amount of remuneration actually paid out to the employee during the assignment in Austria, such as employment contract or the statement of terms and conditions, payslip, proof of payment or bank transfer statements, wage records, records of hours worked and documents relating to pay categorisation in order to verify the remuneration payable to the posted employee under Austria law for the duration of the employment must be available in German.


4. Should the electronic notification be sent before every cabotage operation?

The electronic forms designated within the 1st point of answer 3, in general has to be submitted one week before the start of cabotage at the latest. In situations of disaster, in the case of work that cannot be delayed or has to be performed at short notice the notification shall be made available immediately before commencement of work.


5. What does it mean that the driver should carry in the vehicle a proof for the paid Austrian wage?

As indicated under the 3rd bullet point of answer 3, the employer, by means of the driver’s keeping readily available, has to provide pay documents which show actual payment within the current period of remuneration.

The officials of the tax authorities may request that pay documents have to be submitted subsequently if the current period of remuneration has not yet finished.


6. Are daily allowances recognized as an element of the minimum wage?

Daily allowances are part of remuneration due to Austrian collective agreements e.g. for the trades of carrier and pick-up. They are part of the minimum wage if granted by a collective agreement and if meeting the following preconditions:

According to Article 3 (7) of EU-Directive 96/71 and as recently stated by the European Court, case 396/13 on 12 February 2015, par 47 et sqq,, a daily allowance may be part of the minimum wage if it is not paid in reimbursement of expenditure actually incurred on account of the posting, but intended to ensure the social protection of the workers concerned, making up for the disadvantages entailed by the posting as a result of the workers being removed from their usual environment.


7. What sanctions are envisaged in case of infringement and who is liable?

Depending on failure for the first time or repeated failure, failure to keep a copy of posting notice or of social insurance document A1 on hand may be fined up to EUR 5,000 or up to EUR 10,000.

Depending on the number of workers and repeated failure, failure to keep pay documents on hand may be fined up to EUR 10,000 or up to EUR 20,000 (in case of repeated offence).

It is the employer or a person in charge who is liable for failures of this kind.


Please note:

Comprehensive web-information, also in several of the Member States’ languages, will be finalized by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Policy in the course of next year prospectively.

Meanwhile you may consult or


Further steps:

The IRU Secretariat invites Members to report any infringement case or sent additional clarification/practical questions to as the contact with the Austrian Ministry will be followed up and Members will be informed accordingly.


Best regards

Jan Nemec



Jan Nemec

Deputy General Delegate

Head - Social Affairs, EU Road Safety & Infrastructure


IRU Permanent Delegation to the EU

32-34 av. de Tervueren, Box 17

1040 Brussels





Working Conditions and Payment in the Transport Sector

7 categories for minimum wages






I)       Garageworkers, co-drivers and drivers with trucks up to 3,5 t


- 5 years


5-10 years


10-15 years


15-20 years


20+ years




II)    Drivers trucks more than 3,5 to up to 3 axles


- 5 years


5-10 years


10-15 years


15-20 years


20+ years




III) Drivers trucks more than 3,5 to and more than 3 axles


- 5 years


5-10 years


10-15 years


15-20 years


20+ years




IV) Drivers for articulated vehicles


- 5 years


5-10 years


10-15 years


15-20 years


20+ years




V)    ADR Drivers and drivers using cranes


- 5 years


5-10 years


10-15 years


15-20 years


20+ years




VI) Professional drivers up to 3,5 t up to 3 axles


- 5 years


5-10 years


10-15 years


15-20 years


20+ years




       Professional drivers more than 3,5 t and more than 3 axles


- 5 years


5-10 years


10-15 years


15-20 years


20+ years




       Professional drivers for articulated vehicles


- 5 years


5-10 years


10-15 years


15-20 years


20+ years




VII)                 Drivers transporting gasoline to gas stations


- 5 years


5-10 years


10-15 years


15-20 years


20+ years




Source : AISO